Thursday, 3 April 2008

Who's The UK's Al Gore Equivalent

If you had to single out one person who had done the most to promote the threat that global warming is to this planet, Al Gore would be the person a lot of people would mention.

This week he launched a three-year, multimillion-dollar advocacy campaign to generate a groundswell of public opinion in America to massively reduce carbon emissions.

Whats interesting is that he is getting support from all sides of the political spectrum with adverts containing bipartisan pairs, such as the Rev. Al Sharpton with Pat Robertson and Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with former GOP Speaker Newt Gingrich. In the case of the former, these two wouldn't normally ever share a room let alone an advert.

Where is the UK's equivalent? Ask anyone in the UK to name a prominent environmental campaigner and most people would struggle to answer. Tony Blair appears to be putting himself forward, however his record in office hardly suggests that he is the right man for the job. If you take a look at the Guardians top 100 environmentalists, you'd be hard pressed to find a household name.

More information on Al Gores campaign can be found at

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Roundup of April Fools

It good to see some companies can still take the micky out of themselves.

This years jokers included

Have You Been Rickrolled?

Rickrolling is the new game that seems to be sweeping the Internet at the moment. The idea is to provide a link to something that appears to be useful and instead they they end up at this You Tube of 1980's pop legend Rick Astley.

No one seems to have explained why Rick was chosen for this honour, but his most famous song, Never Going to Give You Up has been performed by people demonstrating against Scientology among others. YouTube currently has 288 videos tagged as RickRolled

More information can be found at What does it mean to be Rickrolled?